5 Scientific and Therapeutic Benefits of Music

Music since time immemorial has become an essential part of human lives. From the time we wake up to hitting the hay, music is omnipresent. It is something that is commonly liked by everyone. Thousands of researches and studies have been conducted about the benefits of music to humans and numerous times it was proven that it has physical, emotional and psychological effects on us. 

Here are the 5 benefits of music according to science.  

 1. Music improves your learning and memory

Studies show that music affects brain performance. Playing background music while doing an activity improves focus, creativity and concentration. This proved to be true for older adults. So next time you want to focus and finish a task fast, play some jazz or instrumental music.

Music improves your learning and memory

Music also strengthens the memory as music helps recall information. Like how we recall and associate someone or something when we hear a specific song or music. It also helps with learning. A study suggests that children learn better with music.

2. Music reduces stress and anxiety

One of the benefits of music is it's a natural antidepressant. That's right, music directly affects your hormones and helps release serotonin and dopamine in the brain which in effect boosts your mood. In simple words, music can make you happy. 

Music reduces stress and anxiety

Research found out that listening to relaxing music such as classical and jazz reduced the symptoms of depression and boosted positive moods. It's another reason why spa salons play relaxing music during massage sessions. It improves the client's mood and helps them relax more. Feeling down? Did you have a bad day? Press that play button of your favorite Bossa Nova or Chopin. Even better if you're on a full body massage chair like Osim's uLove 2 and melting your stress away.

3. Music eases and helps manage pain

Music eases and helps manage pain

Studies have shown that music has an effect on pain management. Patients who listened to music for an hour everyday after receiving surgery managed to control pain. After weeks and consistent listening to music, the pain reduced as well as depression. Music therapy is important in dealing with chronic pain and treatments.

4. Music improves your workout 

Music improves your workout

There's a good reason for you to bring your music player with you on your workout. Play upbeat and fast-paced music to boost your motivation.  Research found out that music tempo affects heart rate and even distance. Playing music while working out distracts your body awareness and therefore lets you to continue moving. In one study, a cyclist biked a further distance when the tempo of the music increased.  So if you want to run further or bike faster, grab your headphones and play something fun and upbeat!

5. Music improves your sleep

Music improves your sleep

90% of people with depression experience insomnia. This and other sleep deprivation problems greatly affects our overall health and wellbeing. Research demonstrated that people who listened to classical music before bedtime showed improvement in their sleep quality. Study suggests that listening to music before sleep is an effective and safe way to treat insomnia. So if you want to have a good night's sleep, play your favorite piece of classical music. We highly recommend Beethoven lullabies. 

There are numerous benefits of music. It does a lot of wonders. Now you have more reason to fill your room with music anytime of the day and in any kind of weather.

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